Marketing Plan

After only a few years in the business, I have tested and used many marketing pieces and ideas used by other realtors from abroad and came up with a plan that has proven successful. My list to sell ratio is higher than most in the area, which can be credited to my marketing plan and extensive education. Combined, these skills allow me to price homes more accurately given the ever-changing markets which result in more sales at better prices.A detailed presentation of my marketing plan, approx 15 min, is normally presented to potential sellers at the time of presenting their marketing evaluation.The marketing plan includes:
- Info about Grand Forks Realty Ltd.
- About My Team
- How the public can find info (, photoboards, catalogs, the Gazette)
- Realtor tours
- Commission
- Money saving tips
- Current market conditions
- Co-operation with other Realtors
- Preparing the home for showings
- Service guarantee
- Slide shows
- Client surveys.